Saturday, October 4, 2014

Changing my life with essential oils...I guess I never really post this.

So I began this journey and blog in February.  I did so because in so many aspects of my life I need get down to the roots/basics of life to get to the core of me and who I am.  This includes all the things in life that are bogging me down or making me murky.  Specifically what I am talking about here is all the stuff in life, food, over the counter drugs, household products that are for lack of a better word, poisoning me and my family.  All of this stuff really came to the forefront when Brian was diagnosed with colon cancer at the age of 39.  Yes, there is a genetic factor of this diagnosis as he did have ulcerative colitis as a child but there is an environmental factor of the diagnosis as well.  As Brian was educated about such things he shared his knowledge with me.  To compliment his teaching I did my own research and we started getting more back to basics in our house.  We try to limit processed food and buy organic as much as is feasible with our circumstances. What I mean is as best we can without breaking the bank and also easily because we are your typical dual income crazy busy middle income family.  So organic apples and strawberries - yes. Bananas and oranges - no.  We try to make smart choices.

So in November I left my job to help Brian and his family with their care issues as the demands of Brian increased.  And we are definitely feeling the financial pinch now especially since we are trying to eat better.  Crazy how eating healthful food is quite a bit more costly than eating crap.  This is a huge problem in our society.  OK, focus Heather, focus.  I was following a blogger who really turned me on to essential oils. I was really attracted to the idea of eliminating toxins from our lives, helping my family and also, they are cost effective.  So I purchased an enrollment kit and also a focus blend to help my son focus in the afternoons/evenings after his meds are gone from his system.  All I can say is WOW.  Wish I knew more when Brian was with us.

Learning how to use the oils effectively to help my family has been really exciting.  Instead of turning to a discomfort reliever every few days when I get a head tension I use Peppermint and Lavender on my forehead and temples.  When Justin got itchy foot from sports I didn't have to run to the pharmacy, I used lavender and melaluca.  And the focus blend I bought for my son is so incredible both sons ask for in the morning before school.  There is so much to learn and I am still learning and I am still amazed at the power of essential oils. Just a few days ago I ate something that gave me such a sour stomach I skipped dinner.  I toughed it out for about 15-20 minutes before I was like, duh! Go to your oils! I rubbed digestive blend on my stomach and no kidding, in a minute, maybe I was feeling the effects and felt 100% in less than 5 minutes.  I am so psyched about these oils.     

Seriously, I stand behind their awesomeness wholeheartedly!  If you are interested in trying them out email me at
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Thanks for checking it out!