Tuesday, February 4, 2014

And then there was blog

So this is really pretty exciting...my first blog post.  As I make my way towards the BIG 40, my introspection has become more prevalent than ever before.  I know that may be hard to believe since I am such a thinker but it's true.  It has occurred to me over the past, I don't know, 1-2 years, that I have lived much of my life for others.  I do what others expect and want, behave as others would like, worry about what others may think or say.  You get the picture.  As such, I have decided to make a journey...a journey of discovering who I truly am, the honest and real me without all the negative influences, my organic self.  The purpose of this blog is to help me through this journey and to become more accountable to myself.  I guess one could say this is an accounting of my mid life crisis. And by definition it really is a mid life crisis. I am determined to find out who I really am and to be true to myself before it becomes to late.

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